Clinical Tips: FenderMate Primeprotection and matrix for primary teeth
FenderMate Prime is an interproximal plastic wedge with an inbuilt steel plate. The boat-shaped tip allows the gingiva to be compressed without damage and reduces the risk of bleeding. FenderPrime Green (long) can be shaped to the contour of the tooth. A unique combination of a preparation shield and matrix for Class II fillings of primary teeth where quick and simple solutions are highly valued.
Why should I use FenderMate Prime?FenderMate Prime is the ideal matrix for Class II restorations in primary teeth. A unique combination of a preparation shield and a sectional matrix, FenderMate Prime enables fast, simple, and safe restoration of primary teeth.
FenderMate Prime is available in two sizes: long and short. FenderMate Prime green (the long wedge) can be bent before filling to adapt the contour of the tooth. FenderMate Prime yellow has a shorter, more rigid plate for very tight interproximal spaces.
FenderMate Prime is in place for protection. (pic.1). Excavation finished without any damage to the adjacent tooth. (pic.2). FenderMate prime bent (around the tooth) for a temporary filling and acceptable contact. Quick and easy! (pic.3).
How should I use FenderMate Prime?
FenderMate Prime is a unique combination of a preparation shield and matrix for Class II fillings of primary teeth. FenderMate Prime is a plastic wedge with a steel plate, which is inserted into the proximal space before preparation. The boat-shape of the tip allows the papilla to be condensed without damage and reduces the risk of bleeding. Once preparation is completed, FenderMate Prime remains in place to serve as a matrix.
Protection: Insert FenderMate Prime lingually or buccally. Do the preparation while the adjacent tooth and the gingival are protected.
Matrix: Curve FenderMate Prime around the tooth and create a matrix for an acceptable anatomical shape for a temporary filling. Fill the cavity with any temporary materials. A high-quality filling of a primary tooth is completed fast and safely.
NB: FenderMate Prime is available in two sizes, long and short. FenderMate Prime green (the long wedge) is bendable. FenderMate Prime yellow has a shorter, more rigid plate for tight interproximal spaces. The short FenderMate Prime Yellow is not bendable.
* Safety tip: FenderMate Prime can be secured with waxed floss.