Dental Experts Join Forces

Dental Experts Join Forces at ThePrimeClub–USA! Directa USA announces a dynamic network of carefully selected dental professionals who will generously share their expertise and engage in lectures and teaching across the U.S.

These 7 experts have enthusiastically joined ThePrimeClub-USA to share their passion for dental excellence and education. With a track record of successfully educating thousands of dental professionals across various dental and hygiene care areas, this diverse group brings a wealth of experience from different fields and circumstances.

Directa USA's collaboration with a team of 7 distinguished experts is a game-changer in the dental industry. By combining their extensive knowledge and experience with Directa USA's cutting-edge, high-quality, solution-based products, clinicians are empowered to deliver an exceptional patient experience. Directa USA's commitment to advancing patient care is evident in its comprehensive product range. Whether it's extractions, restorative procedures, hygiene maintenance, pediatric dentistry, managing occlusion, preventing dental issues, or intricate endodontic treatments, Directa USA has solutions that cater to all facets of dental practice.

Peter Auster, DMD

“The happiest adult I knew while growing up was my uncle, Howard Ward, who was a periodontist. While my first 15 years in dentistry were challenging, weekends spent at the Dawson Academy and leadership roles in the AACD changed my dental world until gradually I became as happy as Uncle Howard.”


Christina Carter, DMD

“My practice treats neurotypical and neurodiverse patients without pharmacology. Our office is decorated like a home with colorful wallpaper, and we have a certified therapy dog, Callie, who greets our patients in reception and will sit with them through their appointment.”


Carla Cohn, DMD

“I pride myself and my practice on using the most up-to-date materials and techniques to deliver quality dentistry to pediatric patients. That includes bioactive materials which can serve as a protective barrier against carries.”


Ronni Brown, DDS, MPH, FADI

“As a profession, we make assumptions about what our patients know. Instead of assuming, we must start asking. “Can I show you?” And then demonstrate the skill together, taking a little bit more time to educate and train them.”



“Helping patients feel better, and eliminate problems in their mouth, teeth, or jaw joints is an incredibly rewarding service to provide, and coaching dentists on improving their businesses, skill sets, and mindsets is just as rewarding.”


Joy Void-Holmes, RDH, BSDH, MHSc, AADH

“As dental hygienists, we are poised to be the changemakers in healthcare, pushing it in a direction that prioritizes prevention, comprehensive care, and patient empowerment. This potential for impact and the versatility of roles available make dental hygiene an incredibly fulfilling profession.”


Susan Wingrove, BS, RDH

“In the future, I believe hygienists will not only complete prophylaxis on patients, but asses inflammation, identify necessary treatments, monitor implants, and help patients stay healthy overall.”


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